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I finished the fish obstacle course but now in the room with the painting a bed i cant pass the grate, am I missing something?

is the gas station for the RV number an actual number and if so, what does it do?

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so ive gotten to the part where i can do bruce's second side quest, but once in planet fitness, and having gone through all the cutscene, then being tasked with eating all the pizzas as claire, theres nothing  can do? like talking to amber nor janet progresses the story, and there isnt anything else to eat... 

EDIT: nvm i was still on .22 and updating to .23 added an eight pizza


The return of the kissable raccoon…

Fingers crossed for alien impregnation in the next part :)


"Please forgive me for what I'm about to do Mr. Obama" HELP THIS GAME IS KILLING ME

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can one of you help i'm lost

There's a secret button in the bottom right corner of the room to skip that puzzle if you can't figure it out.

Amazing game. Love it. Just beat Jen, very hot imo. Bit too real on the commentary. But I'm also kind of bad with sympathy and empathy so yeah pop off. The damn game almost makes me want to have a crisis myself.

Buuut.. how are you gonna give me a vore ability and let me use it like.. three times. And then give me some passive aggressive subtle shaming about vore with like an hour long "ooo vore bad" ur brakin mi hart :(

Keep cooking, this shit fire.

..sorry if that second bit sounded rude or anything.

where to get iron oxide and amazing game by the way

pile of scrap metal at bottom of room

thanks I’m dumb


Peak games,I hope Janet and John's relationship gets better.

thanks for the new background i love the shark girl

jackie my beloved

From what i can say is i love this game i wish more content to show up and new interesting characters added keep it up i love it! 💜

Is there a way to transfer save files? I'd rather not have to start all over

read the readme in the newest version, explains how to do it

This is like one of the best games I’ve downloaded off this site oh my god. I downloaded it a couple days ago and, being honest, played only a couple minutes before switching to something else because I didn’t find it interesting.

I have just turned off the game after playing for approximately 8 straight hours with zero interruptions. It is 9PM over here and I’m now going to eat lunch.

I have just blasted my eardrums with “DA BONE KING” by using an autoclicker on the skeleton. Zero regrets.

thank you... praise the bone king

this is literally impossible someone help am i missing something? i kind of skipped through the previous dialogue so idk what to do here. also, this is in the bandit camp during like the 4th or 5th mission when you get raided and eat Rachel, and go to negotiate for her freedom or whatever

somebody help bro 😭

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push both the left and right box up then push the middle box to the side, doesn’t matter which side


i need some sleep bro that was so obvious wtf

Object pushing puzzles are deceptively difficult for no reason


When I was twelve this exact pattern in a Pokémon game took me like an hour to figure out and I've been in love with block pushing puzzles ever since

I love Danny's body type and the tail, it's a shame she hates her mutation.

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I'm stuck on this quest, I need some help 

If you're using mouse controls this room can be confusing because there's nowhere to click, you can just walk back down from where you came.

thank you so much

How do I find all the candy and I'm still stuck (joiplay)

Make sure you check everything in the room. If you're using mouse or touch controls it can sometimes be hard to trigger events, this game is designed for keyboard. You have to click on the exact tile an event is on to trigger it. Sometimes this is at your feet and not in front of you and you have to click on Amber.

I killed the potted plant guy

not the plant guy...

Ngl I enjoyed this game more then I thought the casual shenanigans amber casually drinking 10 gallons of water lol

I gotta say, as I proceeded through the current content I was constantly surprised that it kept going and I didn’t hit into an eternal hiatus stop point, because I forgot that the update I downloaded was actually rather recent. Holy hell, that’s some dedication in this project.

love the game but every time i open it, all my saves gets deleted

so at this point, everytime an update comes by, i just speedrun the game to see the new content


This is likely an issue with your file explorer, you might have the game's folder or the folder it's in set to read only. I'd bet there's solutions online for this that apply to all RPGMaker games, see if Google tells you anything.


If you're having the issue when you're transferring versions, you can copy the folder called "save" in the "www" folder from the old version to the new one. That should keep all your progress!

Yo how do I pin this in my memories

Love this game. Has a genuinely interesting story and fun characters. Not to mention Amber's shenanigans are pretty hot. Great game!

Also I did get stuck, and I'm not sure what I'm missing or if it's a glitch? I'm doing the hospital quest, and I went room by room until I found the room with ultrasound equipment, Jay gave Janet and Amber the checkups. I try to have them continue with the key card, however the game keeps insisting I go through all the rooms. I went ahead and backtracked through all of the rooms, just touching everything. I only missed having Amber eat a magazine at the very start. The game still says I need to go through all of the rooms.

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I loaded the oldest save I had where I had just finished in the pharmacy and went through the whole area again and Jay still keeps saying I need to go through all the rooms. I have no idea what I'm missing.

Update: I apparently missed touching the lab equipment. My bad lmao

Finished what's available for the game atm. 10/10

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Everytime I open this game, I get a warning popup about... something ?
Something about ''error in profile'' and about the NW.js version. I don't even know what 'NW.js' is !?
I can still play the game, but that's rather confusing.

I also have no idea what this means. If the game still runs it's probably fine?

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I could post a screenshot (like, on Imgur) of it, though it's in french (language of my computer).

Deleted post

I spent far too much time on this, but minor corn related spoilers

I forget his name, but corn man conspericy theorist's morse code text is:

For the love of god, free me from this corn prison, I beg you.

Jimmy you asshole I'm still alive in here!

I still don't believe it. If only I wasn't imprisoned within this husk, I could tell them all!

Go ahead. Jeep screaming "shut the fuck up" at me! It only makes my opinions worse.

will this game appear in the steam?

Dawg are you crazy


0.20 Is absolutely hilarious. I was not expecting character growth in the context it was meant to be in. lmao

I've found myself stuck on the room with fish jumping across the path? I can get so far but the part with three fish in a line seems impossible to get past! Does anyone know a good strategy? 


Came for the fetish content, stayed for the story and comedy. I was suprised by how compelling it ended up being!


Was it on purpose for a trans character to not understand why their friend is not happy to have had a massive change to their body forced on them against their will? Especially since the only outward change said trans character got was dog ears and a tail while the other one changed into a reptilian plant creature?
Its especially fucked up when they express this by constantly telling their friend "Nah just accept it, you got powers now!"


bro quit yappin,


This gets explored heavily throughout the game, Amber takes a bit to understand but it eventually clicks that Janet's experience is similar in that regard. Janet is meant to be an allegory for what being trans feels like.


Mkay, thats what I thought. Thanks for the reply

Preface: At no point during this update was Summer running the counter, so you could only buy food from the vending machine and not healing items. I don't know about other people, but I usually end up using 1-2 bandages per fight. There were probably other examples of Summer being missing, but this update was probably the most noticeable as you were supposed to prepare to leave on this big mission, but you were unable to check/supply yourself with the appropriate supplies. Janet's KCal doesn't fill fast enough to reliably rely on her for healing in every battle, so bandages are the go to healing item.

Suggestion: Have a way to either purchase Bandages (or other items other than food) from the vending machine, or a way to access Summer's shop when she isn't available. 


i feel like this game was made with me in mind like legit trans girl that can burp well and has gluten allergy straight up describes me

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I started playing again after missing update 18.1 and I gotta say, I initially thought the only character that was genuinely stupid was Rachel, but I was wrong. Amber doesn't have a single braincell in her Dog-eared head. Janet must have absorbed them through a mutated variant of photosynthesis. 

Edit: Posted this comment way too soon. I met Wires.


RIP Cat lmao


Only complaint is that Napalm is a fuel thickened with aluminum hydroxide, not Styrofoam and gasoline; styrofoam and gasoline makes something called styropyro. Other than that 10/10

styropyro is close enough in function to be called/mistaken for's like how even if you search in a different browser you likely call it "googling". just kinda a term getting genericized, like dumpster, escalator, or flip phone previously being brand names.

I can't find the thermite material.Please tell me.

It's all in the lab room, there's a pile of metal scrap you can scrape material off with the file in the cabinet.

 How did that Burger Guy beat that

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