Interesting and compelling characters, surprisingly long run time in a good way.
Full disclosure, I got into this game for the vore but stayed for the world and characters. On the vore front, it's pretty tame. Imo the vore stuff is relatively infrequent and plays second fiddle to the stuffing content.
The characters are believable and well written. They go from funny and sarcastic to serious and it all feels appropriate for the corresponding parts of the story. There's a couple one dimensional joke characters but otherwise all of the main cast is expertly done. The characters kept me interested more than the fetish content by end. I would recommend playing just for the humor and characters. The art is cute too.
Spoilers below
Kinda wish the snake woman won though. She bad😵💫. I like that evil shameless pred thing, even if she is revealed to not be exactly that. I was as getting a bit tired of Amber's vore guilt towards the end of the story (0.6.1 as of writing this comment). I'm hoping that the next update brings some sort of resolution for her inner conflict with her uh voreish desires. You can tell she wants it from her giantess dream sequence but is also still a human being and doesn't want to actually hurt innocent people. I do find Amber's insistence that what she does isn't vore and that she doesn't like vore to be quite funny.
I think stories that include vore have a really hard line to toe between keeping the characters humanity and being able to reconcile that with the whole vore thing. It's not an enviable position. Imo if you have a voreish protagonist in a story that goes beyond simple vore smut tropes, you sort of have to deal with guilt as a concept. I think it's the most interesting moral question to ask in a world that has vore as a part of it's story; how do you deal with the guilt surrounding those desires? I think maybe vorarephiles have to think about those questions for themselves on an individual level too, so if that's your audience it's a very interesting thing to explore. We probably all empathize with Amber more as a regular human with feelings vs as a gluttonous sociopathic killing machine. The latter really wouldn't make sense in this story given the context, even if I personally think it would be fun.
A small amount of criticism, I found the "dodge moving things" sections to be annoying and detract from the overall pacing. Maybe I just suck at the controls in these types of games but I found them to be pretty difficult and had to repeat some of them 10+ times to get past. I think they could stand to move a touch slower. The block moving puzzles got a bit tedious in the mall level. I think the second one in the mall level could probably use a checkpoint like the third one has. The hospital level was surprisingly dark tonaly compared to the rest of the game, especially with the flesh room stuff. Maybe I just took it that way due to irl stuff but it felt out of place to me. If it's possible an auto save feature would be nice. Sometimes I would forget to save and lose a combat section and have to fast forward through a lot to catch back up.
Anyway, this comment got out of control. Kept thinking of more things to say and it's not like I have anyone in my irl to talk about this stuff with. I will definitely be looking eagerly to future updates and any future work you do. Great work! :)
I feel like the game is a bit much, not in the fetish way, but in its world.
What I mean is, the aspects that I felt interesting about this fantasy world was partially bogged down by the real-world politics and pop culture. I get wanting to make something with inspirations you have in the real world. However, people play these games for entertainment, in this case the entertainment is clearly referring to. Comments about Vecna, the D&D rip off show Stranger Things, isn't particularly interesting or unique, especially since not everyone is interested in that show, and may even fun the show rather boring or annoying if they know what they're ripping off and reinterpreting too, to not be so enjoyable. That's just the pop culture, politics however are way harder to write, and write enjoyably to an audience, most people read and play things to escape their mundane lives, reminding them about politics can sour the mood to anyone, especially people who just want to play a game with their preferred fetishes, especially when it's not used to actually build the world, but taken as a joke to, and I'm not gonna assume your actual stances this is just how it feels, be superior towards. There are characters that feel like blatant strawmen towards your own beliefs, especially the very beginning with the conspiracy theorists who think the virus isn't real. At first that point is actually interesting, because who would believe in a mutant virus? I mean I'd assume there is real evidence, but everyone knows about clickbait and tabloids lying for more money. However, it becomes apparent playing further on, these people are kinda just those who denied Corona existed, don't get me wrong, I hate them so much, but I'd rather forget them while playing games.
I have positives to say too.
When you decide to make jokes that aren't political or including pop culture, I say it's actually pretty good, not the funniest things to exist, but definitely pretty good, some that gave me a chuckle would be the talk on why the Men's bathroom is abysmal while standing around in the Girl's room, turning Rip off Rip off Lich into a Clown was funny, and even though I did say I didn't like the political aspects of the Conspiracy Theorists, the tiny tiny face mutation did warrant a chuckle. I like how the fact the main character being Trans isn't a side element, it's actually used in meaningful storytelling between our primary 2 characters and is a good way to branch the metaphor to people who are unfamiliar with the concept, I've always loved media that not only makes the metaphor, but they take the step to show someone in that position alongside the metaphor (BTW, being Trans or having Trans characters isn't Political in my eyes, I find people who argue that it is are frankly morons, I'm glad to see Trans Rep, even if it's a fetish game). Sprite Face artwork to signify who's talking could use a little work, but other than that in the art, I say you did well, great even, most of the anatomy looks good (yes, even the exaggerated anatomy, I wouldn't get a fetish game if I wasn't into it). Actually, there is one political aspect I do enjoy, even though it may just be a minor joke to not actually care about, but the Capital vs Commune argument presented by talking to one of the main vendors in the game. I like how even though the main character says it's the best time to start a Commune the Vendor starts her Capital anyway, and it's not like there's no reason to not interact with the vendor either, they sell Lean (Meme humor ain't the best, but it's ok, nothing wrong with it), which is a Party revival tool, it's rather important if a particular fight is gonna kick you in the balls (and I'm not just talking about that fight). I actually agree, with small groups of people, I think that Communes work better than Capitals, because in smaller groups, people can communicate their needs better and distribution isn't that bad, unlike larger groups where people who have supplies can't actually work out the needs of others and people don't get new shoes for years. The main aspect I enjoy of this is that it actually doesn't take much of a side, we get to decide if capital is worth it, or later on, make our own chems, it's great! Combat feels a bit easy at times, but it works in its favor as vore is one of the fetishes you can participate in, having a hard fight with high numbers when getting your enemy low for the chance to eat them is kinda a drag, so it's good when there are fights designed for you to be able to eat and not (Though the chances to vore are a bit low... kinda showing what I came for, eh? Still a positive aspect). Oh! I nearly forgot; I actually like the world building. I have a love for desolate apocalypse scenarios, so I may be Biased. I like that most mutants aren't blobs, that's just a "default" mutation to explain common enemy usage. I like the mutations bordering on a paranormal aspect, it fits in with the unnamed abstract thought demon. I've already aired out aspects of the world building I don't like, where it ties itself to our world, it can make it dated or just be a part we're trying to forget when we're playing, but I like a lot of the aspects away from topical points, the dorms look nice, but most other places are run down and messed up, I don't think making fun of Walmart will get old, but that's probably because I was rammed with a cart as a child.
Overall, 7/10, mostly good, I do not expect you to take any of my critics seriously at all, it's your game and you design it however you wish and it's not even finished yet. I'm a vore enthusiast, I may just eat my own words later, lmao.
I knew the politics stuff would be polarizing for some people. The game is meant to be set in a near-reality 2021 and occasionally references real events. One of the main intents of the Big Brain guys was to make an intentionally stupid strawman type parody that the player will get annoyed with on a meta level and therefore enjoy seeing them get bullied. The other intent is to communicate at the start of the game "hey the writer's a silly leftist so you should expect this from time to time, head out now if you're not a fan." I get why some people don't want to see these kinda things in games, but I enjoy it so that's what I made!
The other real-life references are there because it's what people would be bringing up in the setting, i.e. the apocalypse starts around the same time Stranger Things season 4 comes out in their universe (A year earlier than ours since it was delayed by COVID in real life) so naturally it'll be the first thing Amber thinks of. I try to keep them fairly small in scope so that people who don't get what it's riffing on aren't left confused, the demon's really only similar to Vecna in the way Amber's dreamscape makes them appear visually and not in terms of their actual characterization. It's just what Amber was thinking of!
I'm planning to up the frequency of enemies Amber can eat as the game progresses, at the start she doesn't have the capacity for anything big but she's getting there >:)
Hey, I may play through your game again, and give my critiques on the writing and world building, and if I'm right, I will probably have to critique some of the more political sided takes as well, I made it clear I don't actually like politics, but you said it to me yourself, you're a silly leftist and it's going to happen, that's absolutely fine and I actually do respect it, but it is still worth critique, no idea presented isn't worth that. Last time I played was the trip to Japantown, so I'm curious as to how you've progressed the story or if you've even changed bits of the earlier levels. Just a heads up, I don't want to write another super long critique and annoy you in anyway, and again, I will also write down my positives too, if a critique is only negative, how would someone know what they did well, right?
Have a good day, see ya in maybe a few months.
(Also, if ya don't want my critiques this comment saves us both some time)
Love the game, mostly cus Amber is MtF and I am as well so I can immediately put myself in Amber's shoes as the player. I love the battle mechanics and all the different characters. Currently just have Amber Janet, and Claire but cant wait to see who else joins us.
The required things to do there are examine the milk shelf on the top row, fight the creature in the bottom right corner, and then you can go through the door on the upper right.
Examine the fridge in the back room if you haven't already, once you've done that go outside and there should be a little sparkly on the left that you examine to leave the area.
This is one of the more engaging, memiest, funniest, and horniest belly related rpg maker games out there. The story and the enemies are earthbound levels of goofy, but, like earthbound, super serious when it wants to be. I'm surprised identity is regularly discussed in a serious, but (no pun intended) digestible fashion. Fun game to play one handed with once it gets to it's many good parts.
Alone the Start of the game is a 10/10 Pure comedy gold, nice art and a lot of chaotic girl power here. Also really a fan of the flag inside Ambers room :)
hey, is there supposed to be a Keith quest or is there just the only 3 side quests right now as im just getting the "this is where the current content ends" message when i talk to Keith
This is the only objectively correct depiction of the LGBT community. Fantastic game design and mechanics, the dialogue is absolutely phenomenal and I can't get enough of these characters. There are so many jokes and memes that constantly make me smile, Walkea was a treat to explore and interact with as were the other locations (won't mention them for spoilers but trust me, they're good) I sincerely wish for more of this style of humour to carry over for the rest of the game.
Glad the LGBT rep works well! I love my gay little characters. The style of humor should stay there consistently since that's just my sense of humor ;)
Your work is absolutely fantastic! This will probably become the next Some Bullshit I can already tell! You actually got me to laugh and be scared from the boss at the end of section 7*.
(*Figured out a way to describe the different parts of the game w/o spoiling it. Sections are split based on the crystal in the pc, thus section 7 is the last boss implemented in version 0.3.1)
just finished the current build, other then the occasional gag here and there, it's a good game! reminds me of 'Some bullshit' in some ways. can't wait to see future builds
You get responses from the ATM for a bunch of codes. 1337, 6969, 4200, 0413/0612/1025, 6666, 7777, those are all flavor text, 1234 is some debug command, I haven't found any more yet, though I'm not going to try all 10,000 permutations... Feel free to reply with more!
Just a heads up, during the talent show revisit, if you hold X to fast forward, Claire's position desyncs and it prevents the other characters from walking through her and causes a softlock.
That's weird. I can't see anywhere in her pathing that could get her stuck in that spot. Any chance you saw what she got stuck against that desynced her?
From what I saw, Claire skipped a step in her pathing when she went to perform, and stood next to Janet when she did her magic instead of where she was meant to. The cutscene proceeded as normal otherwise until Annie was meant to take the stage and collided with her, leaving her unable to finish her movement script.
← Return to game
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Your game is great! I love the unique interaction sequences every adventure has.
hey in the wall next to the boss in the hospital has no colition so you can walk right through it (it is next to the wheel chair)
It's because the crack sprite is walkable and overrides the wall, I'll fix that. Thanks!
is there a discord or something for this game? I like it so far and am really interested in following it
No Discord but there's a thread on weightgaming:
Interesting and compelling characters, surprisingly long run time in a good way.
Full disclosure, I got into this game for the vore but stayed for the world and characters. On the vore front, it's pretty tame. Imo the vore stuff is relatively infrequent and plays second fiddle to the stuffing content.
The characters are believable and well written. They go from funny and sarcastic to serious and it all feels appropriate for the corresponding parts of the story. There's a couple one dimensional joke characters but otherwise all of the main cast is expertly done. The characters kept me interested more than the fetish content by end. I would recommend playing just for the humor and characters. The art is cute too.
Spoilers below
Kinda wish the snake woman won though. She bad😵💫. I like that evil shameless pred thing, even if she is revealed to not be exactly that. I was as getting a bit tired of Amber's vore guilt towards the end of the story (0.6.1 as of writing this comment). I'm hoping that the next update brings some sort of resolution for her inner conflict with her uh voreish desires. You can tell she wants it from her giantess dream sequence but is also still a human being and doesn't want to actually hurt innocent people. I do find Amber's insistence that what she does isn't vore and that she doesn't like vore to be quite funny.
I think stories that include vore have a really hard line to toe between keeping the characters humanity and being able to reconcile that with the whole vore thing. It's not an enviable position. Imo if you have a voreish protagonist in a story that goes beyond simple vore smut tropes, you sort of have to deal with guilt as a concept. I think it's the most interesting moral question to ask in a world that has vore as a part of it's story; how do you deal with the guilt surrounding those desires? I think maybe vorarephiles have to think about those questions for themselves on an individual level too, so if that's your audience it's a very interesting thing to explore. We probably all empathize with Amber more as a regular human with feelings vs as a gluttonous sociopathic killing machine. The latter really wouldn't make sense in this story given the context, even if I personally think it would be fun.
A small amount of criticism, I found the "dodge moving things" sections to be annoying and detract from the overall pacing. Maybe I just suck at the controls in these types of games but I found them to be pretty difficult and had to repeat some of them 10+ times to get past. I think they could stand to move a touch slower. The block moving puzzles got a bit tedious in the mall level. I think the second one in the mall level could probably use a checkpoint like the third one has. The hospital level was surprisingly dark tonaly compared to the rest of the game, especially with the flesh room stuff. Maybe I just took it that way due to irl stuff but it felt out of place to me. If it's possible an auto save feature would be nice. Sometimes I would forget to save and lose a combat section and have to fast forward through a lot to catch back up.
Anyway, this comment got out of control. Kept thinking of more things to say and it's not like I have anyone in my irl to talk about this stuff with. I will definitely be looking eagerly to future updates and any future work you do. Great work! :)
I feel like the game is a bit much, not in the fetish way, but in its world.
What I mean is, the aspects that I felt interesting about this fantasy world was partially bogged down by the real-world politics and pop culture. I get wanting to make something with inspirations you have in the real world. However, people play these games for entertainment, in this case the entertainment is clearly referring to. Comments about Vecna, the D&D rip off show Stranger Things, isn't particularly interesting or unique, especially since not everyone is interested in that show, and may even fun the show rather boring or annoying if they know what they're ripping off and reinterpreting too, to not be so enjoyable. That's just the pop culture, politics however are way harder to write, and write enjoyably to an audience, most people read and play things to escape their mundane lives, reminding them about politics can sour the mood to anyone, especially people who just want to play a game with their preferred fetishes, especially when it's not used to actually build the world, but taken as a joke to, and I'm not gonna assume your actual stances this is just how it feels, be superior towards. There are characters that feel like blatant strawmen towards your own beliefs, especially the very beginning with the conspiracy theorists who think the virus isn't real. At first that point is actually interesting, because who would believe in a mutant virus? I mean I'd assume there is real evidence, but everyone knows about clickbait and tabloids lying for more money. However, it becomes apparent playing further on, these people are kinda just those who denied Corona existed, don't get me wrong, I hate them so much, but I'd rather forget them while playing games.
I have positives to say too.
When you decide to make jokes that aren't political or including pop culture, I say it's actually pretty good, not the funniest things to exist, but definitely pretty good, some that gave me a chuckle would be the talk on why the Men's bathroom is abysmal while standing around in the Girl's room, turning Rip off Rip off Lich into a Clown was funny, and even though I did say I didn't like the political aspects of the Conspiracy Theorists, the tiny tiny face mutation did warrant a chuckle. I like how the fact the main character being Trans isn't a side element, it's actually used in meaningful storytelling between our primary 2 characters and is a good way to branch the metaphor to people who are unfamiliar with the concept, I've always loved media that not only makes the metaphor, but they take the step to show someone in that position alongside the metaphor (BTW, being Trans or having Trans characters isn't Political in my eyes, I find people who argue that it is are frankly morons, I'm glad to see Trans Rep, even if it's a fetish game). Sprite Face artwork to signify who's talking could use a little work, but other than that in the art, I say you did well, great even, most of the anatomy looks good (yes, even the exaggerated anatomy, I wouldn't get a fetish game if I wasn't into it). Actually, there is one political aspect I do enjoy, even though it may just be a minor joke to not actually care about, but the Capital vs Commune argument presented by talking to one of the main vendors in the game. I like how even though the main character says it's the best time to start a Commune the Vendor starts her Capital anyway, and it's not like there's no reason to not interact with the vendor either, they sell Lean (Meme humor ain't the best, but it's ok, nothing wrong with it), which is a Party revival tool, it's rather important if a particular fight is gonna kick you in the balls (and I'm not just talking about that fight). I actually agree, with small groups of people, I think that Communes work better than Capitals, because in smaller groups, people can communicate their needs better and distribution isn't that bad, unlike larger groups where people who have supplies can't actually work out the needs of others and people don't get new shoes for years. The main aspect I enjoy of this is that it actually doesn't take much of a side, we get to decide if capital is worth it, or later on, make our own chems, it's great! Combat feels a bit easy at times, but it works in its favor as vore is one of the fetishes you can participate in, having a hard fight with high numbers when getting your enemy low for the chance to eat them is kinda a drag, so it's good when there are fights designed for you to be able to eat and not (Though the chances to vore are a bit low... kinda showing what I came for, eh? Still a positive aspect). Oh! I nearly forgot; I actually like the world building. I have a love for desolate apocalypse scenarios, so I may be Biased. I like that most mutants aren't blobs, that's just a "default" mutation to explain common enemy usage. I like the mutations bordering on a paranormal aspect, it fits in with the unnamed abstract thought demon. I've already aired out aspects of the world building I don't like, where it ties itself to our world, it can make it dated or just be a part we're trying to forget when we're playing, but I like a lot of the aspects away from topical points, the dorms look nice, but most other places are run down and messed up, I don't think making fun of Walmart will get old, but that's probably because I was rammed with a cart as a child.
Overall, 7/10, mostly good, I do not expect you to take any of my critics seriously at all, it's your game and you design it however you wish and it's not even finished yet. I'm a vore enthusiast, I may just eat my own words later, lmao.
Ooh, big comment, thank you!
I knew the politics stuff would be polarizing for some people. The game is meant to be set in a near-reality 2021 and occasionally references real events. One of the main intents of the Big Brain guys was to make an intentionally stupid strawman type parody that the player will get annoyed with on a meta level and therefore enjoy seeing them get bullied. The other intent is to communicate at the start of the game "hey the writer's a silly leftist so you should expect this from time to time, head out now if you're not a fan." I get why some people don't want to see these kinda things in games, but I enjoy it so that's what I made!
The other real-life references are there because it's what people would be bringing up in the setting, i.e. the apocalypse starts around the same time Stranger Things season 4 comes out in their universe (A year earlier than ours since it was delayed by COVID in real life) so naturally it'll be the first thing Amber thinks of. I try to keep them fairly small in scope so that people who don't get what it's riffing on aren't left confused, the demon's really only similar to Vecna in the way Amber's dreamscape makes them appear visually and not in terms of their actual characterization. It's just what Amber was thinking of!
I'm planning to up the frequency of enemies Amber can eat as the game progresses, at the start she doesn't have the capacity for anything big but she's getting there >:)
You know what, I respect it. Thank you for the reply and I hope you enjoy making your game.
Hey, I may play through your game again, and give my critiques on the writing and world building, and if I'm right, I will probably have to critique some of the more political sided takes as well, I made it clear I don't actually like politics, but you said it to me yourself, you're a silly leftist and it's going to happen, that's absolutely fine and I actually do respect it, but it is still worth critique, no idea presented isn't worth that. Last time I played was the trip to Japantown, so I'm curious as to how you've progressed the story or if you've even changed bits of the earlier levels. Just a heads up, I don't want to write another super long critique and annoy you in anyway, and again, I will also write down my positives too, if a critique is only negative, how would someone know what they did well, right?
Have a good day, see ya in maybe a few months.
(Also, if ya don't want my critiques this comment saves us both some time)
Love the game, mostly cus Amber is MtF and I am as well so I can immediately put myself in Amber's shoes as the player. I love the battle mechanics and all the different characters. Currently just have Amber Janet, and Claire but cant wait to see who else joins us.
I can't leave the corner store and I did everything
The required things to do there are examine the milk shelf on the top row, fight the creature in the bottom right corner, and then you can go through the door on the upper right.
I did all that and fought the guy in the back room and checked everything over again and I still couldn't leave
Examine the fridge in the back room if you haven't already, once you've done that go outside and there should be a little sparkly on the left that you examine to leave the area.
I apologize for being an ignoramus
It happens to the best of us.
To transfer your save, open the “www” folder in your previous instillation, and copy the “save” folder into the new version’s “www” folder.
how to find junks?
I'm not sure what you mean by this, sorry. What area are you stuck in?
I did it, thanks
This is one of the more engaging, memiest, funniest, and horniest belly related rpg maker games out there. The story and the enemies are earthbound levels of goofy, but, like earthbound, super serious when it wants to be. I'm surprised identity is regularly discussed in a serious, but (no pun intended) digestible fashion. Fun game to play one handed with once it gets to it's many good parts.
Really diggin' this game. Cute characters, fun and funny dialogue, good art.
Alone the Start of the game is a 10/10
Pure comedy gold, nice art and a lot of chaotic girl power here. Also really a fan of the flag inside Ambers room :)
it doesn’t let me play after I download where can I play it after I download it (I have a iPhone
I test it on a computer running Windows. I don't think RPGMaker games support iOS, sorry.
I swear these kinds of games are so memey. I think there's a god damn Drake & Josh "Where's the door hole?" reference after fighting Steve
Edit: literally just reference the expanding brain meme, this just proves my fact that these games are memey (and horny) as hell
It's because the only people who make these kinds of games are terminally online horny people.
Your PC might get mad at the game since it's an EXE file (like all games.) It's completely safe, no worries.
well, with this, I don't have access to the game option menu
and I've played other MV RPG games and I didn't get this kind of thing with your game
Is this for android?
Probably won't work for Android, sorry. I only have a Windows machine to test it on. You're welcome to try, though.
im really sorry but i dont use windows sorry thats why i asked
Janet is kinda right that the main pred is actually doing vore-
For the love of god, free me from this corn prison!
I beg you!
On a side note after being told to shut up there is a typo in "opinions" pretty sure it says "opinins"
I checked and it seems to be spelled correctly.
hey, is there supposed to be a Keith quest or is there just the only 3 side quests right now as im just getting the "this is where the current content ends" message when i talk to Keith
Just the sidequests this update.
This is the only objectively correct depiction of the LGBT community. Fantastic game design and mechanics, the dialogue is absolutely phenomenal and I can't get enough of these characters. There are so many jokes and memes that constantly make me smile, Walkea was a treat to explore and interact with as were the other locations (won't mention them for spoilers but trust me, they're good) I sincerely wish for more of this style of humour to carry over for the rest of the game.
Glad the LGBT rep works well! I love my gay little characters. The style of humor should stay there consistently since that's just my sense of humor ;)
Your work is absolutely fantastic! This will probably become the next Some Bullshit I can already tell! You actually got me to laugh and be scared from the boss at the end of section 7*.
(*Figured out a way to describe the different parts of the game w/o spoiling it. Sections are split based on the crystal in the pc, thus section 7 is the last boss implemented in version 0.3.1)
High praise, wow! Thanks! Glad to hear that section was impactful.
this is probably the only game i wouldnt want to be over
got to the walkia, died at the boss, and realized i hadnt saved lmao
but fr tho, love the game! good shit, on god
Thank you! Be sure to save frequently ;)
This was super fun to play. I only got an hour or so in but the writing is absolutely brilliant.
Only noticed one slight spelling mistake, but nothing major.
do you know how to transfer progress to the new version?
To transfer your save, open the “www” folder in your previous instillation, and copy the “save” folder into the new version’s “www” folder.
make this html i must review
just finished the current build, other then the occasional gag here and there, it's a good game! reminds me of 'Some bullshit' in some ways. can't wait to see future builds
You get responses from the ATM for a bunch of codes. 1337, 6969, 4200, 0413/0612/1025, 6666, 7777, those are all flavor text, 1234 is some debug command, I haven't found any more yet, though I'm not going to try all 10,000 permutations... Feel free to reply with more!
Just a heads up, during the talent show revisit, if you hold X to fast forward, Claire's position desyncs and it prevents the other characters from walking through her and causes a softlock.
That's weird. I can't see anywhere in her pathing that could get her stuck in that spot. Any chance you saw what she got stuck against that desynced her?
From what I saw, Claire skipped a step in her pathing when she went to perform, and stood next to Janet when she did her magic instead of where she was meant to. The cutscene proceeded as normal otherwise until Annie was meant to take the stage and collided with her, leaving her unable to finish her movement script.