Also, a bit of a balance critique: In the Hound fight, him confusing you is pretty much an instant game over. I would suggest removing that ability from that fight.
The scream attack has a 10% chance to confuse so you got absolutely clowned by RNG. I'm just gonna remove that chance because yeah that's kinda stupid to have.
I’ve played for around two hours now, The writing is really funny and oozes charm. The art is fantastic, music choices are great and the combat is satisfying.
When I first found this game through its tags I wasn’t expecting the political vibe and I actually did get frustrated at first. You can probably guess it being the main girl in question.
But honestly, after reading other comments and reevaluating some of my own principles on top of the countless other influences I see online. I decided to really question it and also actually research it myself. And I was wrong, It does make sense, I just didn’t want to it to because of how different it was the perceived norm. I was so vile for no reason, I recognize that now.
Finding this game might’ve unironically changed my whole perspective. But aside from that topic it was pretty cool. It really feels like I’m seeing the perspectives of a bunch of college students.
Also the belly stuff cool too.
Note: for some reason I read Chutback’s dialogue in Christian Slater’s voice. Probably the face, I don’t know.
Это возможно,скачай приложение joiplay (желательно с официального сайта)затем,распаковываешь папку с игрой в любой другой файл,и в joiplay указываешь путь к файлу.(.exe)Надеюсь помог
Spent 11 hours on this game and this is my opinion This game turned out to be so amazing regardless of other similar games I've played about this type of. I'm not the fan of stardew valley genre but this? just wow, from story and the rest. it's a bit shame every stories has to come an end but I enjoyed playing this game, willing to see more of it and perhaps i'm gonna replay from the beginning again and again.
So I've come across a bug dealing with Bruce's side quest. The content in the side quest is fine. After I completed Bruce's side quest when I would choose another side quest it would override the new side quest and force me to play Bruce's side quest again.
The 0.9.0 version was bugged and did this, if you update to 0.9.1 it'll fix it but you'll have to go through Bruce's quest again to reset the bugged switch. Next major update (coming out next week) will just fix it automatically without having to go through the quest again.
Binged It like Amber binges food. Took just over 24hrs (including idling) had to cheat on the last bread eater puzzle to save some brain power. Am increadibly disappointed Amber didn't become the lamia or eat any of the bigger peeps (or ppl) Overall 10/10 probably the best crappy rpg experience I've ever had
Played this, 11 hours over multiple days, it was good.
It's a amazing mix of just what it is, things can sometimes be stupid and funny othertimes, otherthings, in short it's good and if anyone knows me from somewhere else, please ingore that i have played this.
I absolutely loved the 9.1 gameplay, sunk 12 hours into it till I finished it. I loved the characters and how complex their personalities are, plus the drawings are a really nice touch too. Story-wise it moves pretty quick with all the time jumps, but the environmental story telling is excellent in some areas. Only real issues I found was that trying to access the Act 2 photo album without unlocking any of the Act 2 photos would brick the game and require the program to be forcefully closed, and there were some issues with grammar although those were pretty minor and were pretty rare. All-in-all, an amazing game that I've already recommended to friends and would absolutely help work on this for free in my spare time if need be.
I enter the game.exe and play a little. i press 'ecs' , 'save' , 'file 1' but after i close the game the saving is gone. and in my 'www' folder i don't have a 'save' folder. can someone help me to transfer the savings to the 0.9.1 version? i also finished 0.8.0 and this game is awesome!
Did you just open the zip file and open the game in there? You have to right click and extract the zip into a folder to properly play the game and save, otherwise all the game files including your saves are only temporarily extracted to a temp folder deep in your Windows user folder.
If you extracted 0.8.0 and saved your save files will be in the www/save folder, otherwise try looking in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp, but no guarantee they're still there.
im still trying to put my previous save into the 0.9.1 update but it wont let me for some reason. Do i have to play the game then put my saves in their or no.
It should just work if you're putting it in the right place. Make sure you're copying the 'save' folder out of 'www' and putting it in the same folder in the new version.
hey, is there anything different with the quest to the island or is the only thing accessable before the current update thats different just the snake lady interactions?
Heya, just wanted to pop in and let you know of a bug I found. Every time I try to access a sidequest, it boots up Bruce's quest no matter which one I picked, whether it be trying to date the snake lady or helping the little rat bastard himself obtain the honse. Sorry if you already knew about this, but I didn't see anyone else talking about it here so I figured better safe than sorry.
Cat will probably not get quest board permission but she shows up often enough that I'm sure she'll get plenty of content regardless. Glad you enjoy the game!
I been loving your game. Checking twice a week if not more to see if the game has been updates. Really hits home in every possible way. Honestly it’s probably my favorite game I ever played. (Doesn’t help I match the main character to a T.) May I ask do you have merchandise of your game or plans to do so? I learned many new things about myself playing your game and I like to have merchandise of things I’m extremely passionate about. If not no worries at all! Thank you for all your hard work and continue doing what you been doing~ Which is making this masterpiece of a game!
This game's audience is way too small for merchandise to be financially viable I think. As fun as it would be to turn Amber into a marketable plushie. Glad you like it!
finished the game: got to say I absolutely loved it! literally fell out of my seat laughing at points and love the way everything is done from character to story!
I do have one question: not related to the story or anything but rather with the development, can we give ideas we may have involving the game like say a suggestion for a side quest or something like that? or does Zenthicks rather not have suggestions given to them or anything like that?
I'm fine with suggestions but no promises that I'll use anything. Getting ideas from other people helps me consider writing angles I haven't considered myself.
Awesome: I've actually have three ideas that could be fun to do as side quest type content though one of them would affect the main story if you didn't already have that idea. My first idea is be once you can start doing quest you can also head to the far right and go back to previous areas, sort of treat them like bonus dungeons on revisit such as say going back to the seven eleven only to find a strange trap door that leads to an almost cult like worship led by the seven eleven monster you defeated that somehow revive (I don't know how maybe the power of corporate interest or something) that you gotta fight your way out of or you go to walikea to find the bandits trying to raid the place leading to you having to save the SCP dude from them and maybe even one of the bandits from the couch mimic. My second idea is to give someone, whether this is Rachel, John, or some random mutant, the power to copy other powers (maybe Rachel learns this after the contest and decides after some practice to rematch amber on more even grounds or john has a character moment where he finally sees himself as more useful with friends around him), to clone themselves (be funny to see someone be there own hype man, could even see them arguing and amber notes that's why the SCP dude wanted each him to be different from the others), or just alter a mutation to something else like making a random slime into a muscle bound hulk or turning Janet into something worse or better than her current state (I could imagine it being like a second raid on the college but this time its just some kid that's treating the whole thing like a game doing that "well that doesn't work because I have yada yada" and he's stopped by his parents or something)
I honestly doubt any of this would ever actually be picked up, outside of maybe the area revisits but even then, but it would be pretty cool to see what could happen with this type of stuff.
i was able to figure it out thanks but i got stuck again at a later stage. after acquiring the quest board, the main mission (to go to the hospital ) i have used the id card and i am in the maze i saw what i believe to be a hint on the telefone but forgot now i don't know what to do.
The NPCs who give you stuff are all near the main path between the dorm elevator and the stage so that they're easier to find. Been a long time since I made that section but I think you need to talk to three total.
last question for a bit, is it possible to eat everything in the walkia on the first go or is there a time where you get to go back there and eat? or is there just more chances to eat then you can possibly get away with?
Press up and down to scroll through numbers and left and right to move between them. If you put in certain numbers it will do secret things. If nothing happens the number you entered doesn't do anything.
I found a bug, when you first get the animal ears if you go to the computer you'll end up not getting Janet to join you leaving you solo. only way to fix it is to reload to a save prior to the time you wake up.
I seem to have run into an issue. In the Hospital level, after the Ultrasound scene with jay, I'm able to leave the room but I'm still in the "looking for food" mode Neither Jay nor Janet follow me. Every door I try gives me the "Not gonna find any food here" message. And when I walk back in, Amber's character model flies out of frame, replays the Ultrasound scene, and leaves me unable to move.
Do you have a save from before the scene starts to go back to? It sounds like your game's variables got mixed up somehow and it thinks you're in the middle of the cutscene. I have absolutely no clue how that happened, the only way to fix it would be to start the scene over. Did you save and quit at some point during the scene? That might've messed something up, if you remember when it might help me figure out what went wrong.
The one time I saved was after I left the room, only noticing too late that Jay and Janet hadn't walked outside with me. I was hoping you had a way to fix it if this was a common issue. I do remember that I saved once or twice during the "food hunt" part. The only save I have before this glitch is before I did all the side quests for the other characters, a few hours worth of time.
In case this isn't fixable, are those side quests going to be important in any way later in the game?
The side quests aren't called for anything major right now, just occasional dialogue branches where it'd make sense to mention something that happened in one. I'll probably add cheat codes to complete them at some point so that people who lose their saves or are in situations like yours can fix it quickly.
I played game about a month ago and it was really, really great. Also where does game ends now? Last time I played it, it was after quest with dream of Amber and cornguy
Cool! I'm now going through the gama again, because I lost my save files and I love it even more than first time. It's really great. Very good is fact, that game isn't only focused on fetish things, but eating is connected to the whole plot. You have done impressive work!
I created an account specifically to write this comment, so be prepared for a somewhat lengthy comment. Before this, (and probably after) I tended to just download games off here and be on my way, since the quality can vary quite a bit. I wasn't expecting too much out of it, but I saw that it had been updated recently, so I thought I'd give it a whirl, thought I might get an hour or two out of it.
Holy shit.
I was not expecting what I got in the slightest. This is, bar YOMI Hustle's beta release, the best game I've ever gotten off this website by leaps and bounds. It has a good story, what feels like balanced combat to my amateur RPG player brain, comedy and humor that feels like it was written for me specifically, and incredible characters. That last bit is probably what stood out to me the most. Because, god, the character writing.
To start with, Amber is by far the most based protagonist I've ever seen. As someone who's struggled with my own gender identity and who's also gradually transitioning MTF, I absolutely adore her for her confidence, her crackheaded energy, and also her unique talents, which were why I picked up this game in the first place. She, along with all of the main and supporting cast, feel like real people, and it genuinely feels like a bunch of college kids just trying to make the best of what they've got. They ever record their day-to-day life and upload it to help people stay up to date and keep hoping. (Speaking of which, how has Amber not gotten their channel slapped by the copyright bots yet? I'd imagine it's hard to get a channel appeal during the apocalypse.)
I could easily gush about every other character in this game to some extent, from Janet's reluctance about accepting her new body and her take-no-shit mom friend energy, to Rachel's inferiority complex and desire to prove to herself that she can beat Amber at SOMETHING, all the way down to John's feelings that he's worthless and can't do anything useful. Keep your chin up, little guy! I'm sure the dev has plans for you in the future! The rivalry between Amber and Rachel is actually really engaging, because I can relate to both sides. On Amber's side, she's just trying to keep her friends safe and the campus out of danger, and her nonchalant attitude towards the whole thing is just her trying to keep a positive outlook. It's mainly perpetuated by Rachel, who wants revenge for the sake of her own ego, forcing Amber to defend herself for herself and her friends (or just her stomach and pride), forcing them into an endless loop. I can empathize with Rachel, mostly because one of my personal pet peeves is someone being able to accomplish something that I've spent a lot of time and hard work building up to much more easily. It stings when someone's better at something than you, and I hope Rachel can take Amber's "do it for yourself" advice moving forward.
Also, touching on the actual fetish stuff (wow, imagine talking about the reason you actually got the game), it also delivers in spades. All the scenes are exactly what I wanted coming into the experience, and the slow build to Amber and crew's skills and stomach capacity are very satisfying. I made this review partly to gush about Amber, because I think my friends are starting to get tired of me ranting about her. You can only call a character "the embodiment of human perfection" and "the epitome of beauty" so many ways before you have to take a step back and quietly scream into your pillow. Have I mentioned how much I love Amber?
Tl;dr? Based game, I'd give it an 8/10, 9/10 when it's finished if the quality stays consistent throughout. To the dev, Zenthicks, this game slaps. Judging by the time taken between updates, it's impressive that you've made this much in this amount of time. Keep up the good work.
nvm, I got a little lucky early on and they didnt throw much damage out till 1 of em was dead, still think the damage numbers on em are a little high for a solo encounter...
it's not supposed to be solo, if you go to the computer before the bathroom to check out your ears and it messes with the bit so Janet doesn't join the party again tell later.
Hi! Your game is great, i follow it for a couple updates. I wanted to say "a cool little game", but damn, i spend there about seventeen hours already! I love these dialogues, it's always ton of fun, though serious moments are serious enough.
← Return to game
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Small issue I noticed: When talking to the chef after the milk incident, Janet still says she's looking for the purple guy
Also, a bit of a balance critique: In the Hound fight, him confusing you is pretty much an instant game over. I would suggest removing that ability from that fight.
The scream attack has a 10% chance to confuse so you got absolutely clowned by RNG. I'm just gonna remove that chance because yeah that's kinda stupid to have.
Dang, I can't believe I'm the anti-Dream 😔
PuRpLe GuY
I’m conservative and I really like this game.
I’ve played for around two hours now, The writing is really funny and oozes charm. The art is fantastic, music choices are great and the combat is satisfying.
When I first found this game through its tags I wasn’t expecting the political vibe and I actually did get frustrated at first. You can probably guess it being the main girl in question.
But honestly, after reading other comments and reevaluating some of my own principles on top of the countless other influences I see online. I decided to really question it and also actually research it myself. And I was wrong, It does make sense, I just didn’t want to it to because of how different it was the perceived norm. I was so vile for no reason, I recognize that now.
Finding this game might’ve unironically changed my whole perspective. But aside from that topic it was pretty cool. It really feels like I’m seeing the perspectives of a bunch of college students.
Also the belly stuff cool too.
Note: for some reason I read Chutback’s dialogue in Christian Slater’s voice. Probably the face, I don’t know.
I'm glad I could help you see a different perspective on things. Never too late to come around! <3
it makes me so incredibly happy to see a trans character in a fetish game not being played as a joke. this is the representation i've been seeking
I am so happy to get comments like this, making Amber genuine trans rep was super important to me I'm glad people like her
*takes a bagel with tentacle*
*puts a finger in the hole*
*somehow makes a sloshing sound*
*somehow makes a whooshing sound*
*guy disappears from existence*
можно ли скачать эту игру для Android, если возможно, как
There isn't an Android version sorry. I only have Windows so I have no idea what other operating systems it works on.
Это возможно,скачай приложение joiplay (желательно с официального сайта)затем,распаковываешь папку с игрой в любой другой файл,и в joiplay указываешь путь к файлу.(.exe)Надеюсь помог
спасибо вам, это помогло
Spent 11 hours on this game and this is my opinion
This game turned out to be so amazing regardless of other similar games I've played about this type of.
I'm not the fan of stardew valley genre but this? just wow, from story and the rest. it's a bit shame every stories has to come an end but I enjoyed playing this game, willing to see more of it and perhaps i'm gonna replay from the beginning again and again.
So I've come across a bug dealing with Bruce's side quest. The content in the side quest is fine. After I completed Bruce's side quest when I would choose another side quest it would override the new side quest and force me to play Bruce's side quest again.
The 0.9.0 version was bugged and did this, if you update to 0.9.1 it'll fix it but you'll have to go through Bruce's quest again to reset the bugged switch. Next major update (coming out next week) will just fix it automatically without having to go through the quest again.
okay thank you
Binged It like Amber binges food. Took just over 24hrs (including idling) had to cheat on the last bread eater puzzle to save some brain power. Am increadibly disappointed Amber didn't become the lamia or eat any of the bigger peeps (or ppl) Overall 10/10 probably the best crappy rpg experience I've ever had
Played this, 11 hours over multiple days, it was good.
It's a amazing mix of just what it is, things can sometimes be stupid and funny othertimes, otherthings, in short it's good and if anyone knows me from somewhere else, please ingore that i have played this.
I've never even played Bloodborne but thank you!
I absolutely loved the 9.1 gameplay, sunk 12 hours into it till I finished it. I loved the characters and how complex their personalities are, plus the drawings are a really nice touch too. Story-wise it moves pretty quick with all the time jumps, but the environmental story telling is excellent in some areas. Only real issues I found was that trying to access the Act 2 photo album without unlocking any of the Act 2 photos would brick the game and require the program to be forcefully closed, and there were some issues with grammar although those were pretty minor and were pretty rare. All-in-all, an amazing game that I've already recommended to friends and would absolutely help work on this for free in my spare time if need be.
I enter the game.exe and play a little. i press 'ecs' , 'save' , 'file 1' but after i close the game the saving is gone. and in my 'www' folder i don't have a 'save' folder. can someone help me to transfer the savings to the 0.9.1 version? i also finished 0.8.0 and this game is awesome!
Did you just open the zip file and open the game in there? You have to right click and extract the zip into a folder to properly play the game and save, otherwise all the game files including your saves are only temporarily extracted to a temp folder deep in your Windows user folder.
If you extracted 0.8.0 and saved your save files will be in the www/save folder, otherwise try looking in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp, but no guarantee they're still there.
oh ok thank you very much!
When will amber name the plants outside of the dorm? Also will we see more of John?
The plants do not get names they are irrelevant. John will keep showing up from time to time like everyone else at the college.
is vore optional
nope, sorry. only the monsters die from it though humans always come back out fine
im still trying to put my previous save into the 0.9.1 update but it wont let me for some reason. Do i have to play the game then put my saves in their or no.
It should just work if you're putting it in the right place. Make sure you're copying the 'save' folder out of 'www' and putting it in the same folder in the new version.
hey, is there anything different with the quest to the island or is the only thing accessable before the current update thats different just the snake lady interactions?
Just the snake sidequest. I don't modify previous stuff too often, when I do I'll mention it in the patches.
thank you.
Heya, just wanted to pop in and let you know of a bug I found. Every time I try to access a sidequest, it boots up Bruce's quest no matter which one I picked, whether it be trying to date the snake lady or helping the little rat bastard himself obtain the honse. Sorry if you already knew about this, but I didn't see anyone else talking about it here so I figured better safe than sorry.
I fixed this in the 0.9.1 version but you'll have to go through Bruce's quest again to reset the bugged switch that's causing it.
It seems that talking to Jay from the bottom before administering the cure breaks his script in 0.9.1
I did not realize you could pass under the machine he's standing above haha whoops
Great game <3
I played all that is released up to now and it was very fun, can't wait for the final release :).
also I think it would be cool to put Cat on the quests board, loved seeing her and amber together throughout the game. (catgirl belly <3 )
Cat will probably not get quest board permission but she shows up often enough that I'm sure she'll get plenty of content regardless. Glad you enjoy the game!
Thanks, And keep up the good work :3
oh no
Amber pretty...
you're so right...
I been loving your game. Checking twice a week if not more to see if the game has been updates. Really hits home in every possible way. Honestly it’s probably my favorite game I ever played. (Doesn’t help I match the main character to a T.) May I ask do you have merchandise of your game or plans to do so? I learned many new things about myself playing your game and I like to have merchandise of things I’m extremely passionate about. If not no worries at all! Thank you for all your hard work and continue doing what you been doing~ Which is making this masterpiece of a game!
This game's audience is way too small for merchandise to be financially viable I think. As fun as it would be to turn Amber into a marketable plushie. Glad you like it!
I’m glad you know where I was going with that lol. Thank you for reading my messages <3
what would this even mean in this game
would be pretty funny but yeah more work that it'd be worth
honestly i got stucked there didnt know where to go
finished the game: got to say I absolutely loved it! literally fell out of my seat laughing at points and love the way everything is done from character to story!
I do have one question: not related to the story or anything but rather with the development, can we give ideas we may have involving the game like say a suggestion for a side quest or something like that? or does Zenthicks rather not have suggestions given to them or anything like that?
I'm fine with suggestions but no promises that I'll use anything. Getting ideas from other people helps me consider writing angles I haven't considered myself.
Awesome: I've actually have three ideas that could be fun to do as side quest type content though one of them would affect the main story if you didn't already have that idea. My first idea is be once you can start doing quest you can also head to the far right and go back to previous areas, sort of treat them like bonus dungeons on revisit such as say going back to the seven eleven only to find a strange trap door that leads to an almost cult like worship led by the seven eleven monster you defeated that somehow revive (I don't know how maybe the power of corporate interest or something) that you gotta fight your way out of or you go to walikea to find the bandits trying to raid the place leading to you having to save the SCP dude from them and maybe even one of the bandits from the couch mimic. My second idea is to give someone, whether this is Rachel, John, or some random mutant, the power to copy other powers (maybe Rachel learns this after the contest and decides after some practice to rematch amber on more even grounds or john has a character moment where he finally sees himself as more useful with friends around him), to clone themselves (be funny to see someone be there own hype man, could even see them arguing and amber notes that's why the SCP dude wanted each him to be different from the others), or just alter a mutation to something else like making a random slime into a muscle bound hulk or turning Janet into something worse or better than her current state (I could imagine it being like a second raid on the college but this time its just some kid that's treating the whole thing like a game doing that "well that doesn't work because I have yada yada" and he's stopped by his parents or something)
I honestly doubt any of this would ever actually be picked up, outside of maybe the area revisits but even then, but it would be pretty cool to see what could happen with this type of stuff.
help i am stuck, who and where am i suppose to ask for food in the beginning?
Edit: it felt like i asked everyone.
I can help but you need to be a bit more specific, where are you right now, are you at the college 7/11 or the walkia?
i was able to figure it out thanks but i got stuck again at a later stage. after acquiring the quest board, the main mission (to go to the hospital ) i have used the id card and i am in the maze i saw what i believe to be a hint on the telefone but forgot now i don't know what to do.
The NPCs who give you stuff are all near the main path between the dorm elevator and the stage so that they're easier to find. Been a long time since I made that section but I think you need to talk to three total.
last question for a bit, is it possible to eat everything in the walkia on the first go or is there a time where you get to go back there and eat? or is there just more chances to eat then you can possibly get away with?
what does the 1234 atm code do exacly i don't quiet get it.
how do I use the ATM?
Press up and down to scroll through numbers and left and right to move between them. If you put in certain numbers it will do secret things. If nothing happens the number you entered doesn't do anything.
what would those secret numbers be by chance?
I found a bug, when you first get the animal ears if you go to the computer you'll end up not getting Janet to join you leaving you solo. only way to fix it is to reload to a save prior to the time you wake up.
how do you beat the seagulls in this game
Is something getting stuck or are you just losing the fight?
I was not mentally ready for McLean, but damn was that entertaining.
Nothing can possibly prepare a person for McLean
im soft lockt in the evil anime clube member 6 ass she kills me 1 hit all the time :edit i got thru thanks to the power of sabaton
I seem to have run into an issue. In the Hospital level, after the Ultrasound scene with jay, I'm able to leave the room but I'm still in the "looking for food" mode Neither Jay nor Janet follow me. Every door I try gives me the "Not gonna find any food here" message. And when I walk back in, Amber's character model flies out of frame, replays the Ultrasound scene, and leaves me unable to move.
Do you have a save from before the scene starts to go back to? It sounds like your game's variables got mixed up somehow and it thinks you're in the middle of the cutscene. I have absolutely no clue how that happened, the only way to fix it would be to start the scene over. Did you save and quit at some point during the scene? That might've messed something up, if you remember when it might help me figure out what went wrong.
The one time I saved was after I left the room, only noticing too late that Jay and Janet hadn't walked outside with me. I was hoping you had a way to fix it if this was a common issue. I do remember that I saved once or twice during the "food hunt" part. The only save I have before this glitch is before I did all the side quests for the other characters, a few hours worth of time.
In case this isn't fixable, are those side quests going to be important in any way later in the game?
The side quests aren't called for anything major right now, just occasional dialogue branches where it'd make sense to mention something that happened in one. I'll probably add cheat codes to complete them at some point so that people who lose their saves or are in situations like yours can fix it quickly.
Alright, I'll just retry the main quest later then. Thanks for answering!
is there a way to transfer save files through the updates?
To transfer your save, open the “www” folder in your previous instillation, and copy the “save” folder into the new version’s “www” folder.
I played game about a month ago and it was really, really great.
Also where does game ends now? Last time I played it, it was after quest with dream of Amber and cornguy
There's a whole lot more since then, the update that added those was probably like six months ago at this point.
I'm now going through the gama again, because I lost my save files and I love it even more than first time.
It's really great. Very good is fact, that game isn't only focused on fetish things, but eating is connected to the whole plot.
You have done impressive work!
I created an account specifically to write this comment, so be prepared for a somewhat lengthy comment. Before this, (and probably after) I tended to just download games off here and be on my way, since the quality can vary quite a bit. I wasn't expecting too much out of it, but I saw that it had been updated recently, so I thought I'd give it a whirl, thought I might get an hour or two out of it.
Holy shit.
I was not expecting what I got in the slightest. This is, bar YOMI Hustle's beta release, the best game I've ever gotten off this website by leaps and bounds. It has a good story, what feels like balanced combat to my amateur RPG player brain, comedy and humor that feels like it was written for me specifically, and incredible characters. That last bit is probably what stood out to me the most. Because, god, the character writing.
To start with, Amber is by far the most based protagonist I've ever seen. As someone who's struggled with my own gender identity and who's also gradually transitioning MTF, I absolutely adore her for her confidence, her crackheaded energy, and also her unique talents, which were why I picked up this game in the first place. She, along with all of the main and supporting cast, feel like real people, and it genuinely feels like a bunch of college kids just trying to make the best of what they've got. They ever record their day-to-day life and upload it to help people stay up to date and keep hoping. (Speaking of which, how has Amber not gotten their channel slapped by the copyright bots yet? I'd imagine it's hard to get a channel appeal during the apocalypse.)
I could easily gush about every other character in this game to some extent, from Janet's reluctance about accepting her new body and her take-no-shit mom friend energy, to Rachel's inferiority complex and desire to prove to herself that she can beat Amber at SOMETHING, all the way down to John's feelings that he's worthless and can't do anything useful. Keep your chin up, little guy! I'm sure the dev has plans for you in the future! The rivalry between Amber and Rachel is actually really engaging, because I can relate to both sides. On Amber's side, she's just trying to keep her friends safe and the campus out of danger, and her nonchalant attitude towards the whole thing is just her trying to keep a positive outlook. It's mainly perpetuated by Rachel, who wants revenge for the sake of her own ego, forcing Amber to defend herself for herself and her friends (or just her stomach and pride), forcing them into an endless loop. I can empathize with Rachel, mostly because one of my personal pet peeves is someone being able to accomplish something that I've spent a lot of time and hard work building up to much more easily. It stings when someone's better at something than you, and I hope Rachel can take Amber's "do it for yourself" advice moving forward.
Also, touching on the actual fetish stuff (wow, imagine talking about the reason you actually got the game), it also delivers in spades. All the scenes are exactly what I wanted coming into the experience, and the slow build to Amber and crew's skills and stomach capacity are very satisfying. I made this review partly to gush about Amber, because I think my friends are starting to get tired of me ranting about her. You can only call a character "the embodiment of human perfection" and "the epitome of beauty" so many ways before you have to take a step back and quietly scream into your pillow. Have I mentioned how much I love Amber?
Tl;dr? Based game, I'd give it an 8/10, 9/10 when it's finished if the quality stays consistent throughout. To the dev, Zenthicks, this game slaps. Judging by the time taken between updates, it's impressive that you've made this much in this amount of time. Keep up the good work.
thank you <3
am I the only one getting smacked around in the 1st combat of the new update, or am I just an idiot
nvm, I got a little lucky early on and they didnt throw much damage out till 1 of em was dead, still think the damage numbers on em are a little high for a solo encounter...
it's not supposed to be solo, if you go to the computer before the bathroom to check out your ears and it messes with the bit so Janet doesn't join the party again tell later.
Hi! Your game is great, i follow it for a couple updates. I wanted to say "a cool little game", but damn, i spend there about seventeen hours already! I love these dialogues, it's always ton of fun, though serious moments are serious enough.